staff & board

Dimitar Zdravkov   

President & CEO


Krasimir Bosilkov   

Board member

Adrian Damyanov 

Board member

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Krasimir Bosilkov Board member
Adrian Damyanov Board member


95% of restaurateurs agree that restaurant technology improves their business efficiency. At the same time, according to the same research, 73% of diners agree that restaurant technology improves their guest experience.


The market need of a more extensive use of technological solutions in this industry and at the same time the catching-up of digital trends make a great part of the venues less efficient in satisfying customer expectations, generating that way loss of profits and benefits both for them and their clients.



The benefits of using the new technologies in your business

New digital technologies allow business owners to optimize all business processes including staff management, delivery and logistics, communication and interaction with customers, promotion and advertising etc. Technical solutions can lead to cost reduction at all business levels, revenue and profit growth, rise in the number of customers, customer loyalty growth.

Reducing food waste is a key sustainability challenge for the food service industry. Every day restaurants all over the world throw away tons of food while many people on the same planet are dying from hunger. Global food loss amounts to between one-third and one-half of all food produced. This food waste is not only unnecessary but a potential ecological danger to the planet due to problems with the waste stocking and food degradation processes. Fortunately, technologies can help by providing solutions to restaurants at all stages as producing, processing, retailing and consuming food by optimizing all processes.

Thanks to the new technologies, the relationship restaurant-customer is about to change completely. The venues are now able to connect with customers in ways they weren't able to in the past by using social media, chat bots etc. Actually one of the main target groups of the restaurant industries are Millenials presenting a very strong purchasing power. According to the newest statistics, Millenials are about to change the food industry imposing its cultural and eating habits. Millenials are a social media savvy generation who uses predominantly the digital technologies in their communication. In this regards, the restaurant owners should be prepared to communicate with their clients in a new way using digital tolls and channels.


The Foundation aims to help restaurant owners  all over the world (restaurant, bars, lobby bars etc) to be in line with new technologies in restaurant industry in order to improve their business results, increase customer satisfaction and contribute to a better environment by developing a sustainable business activities. The Foundation is an info-technological hub which provides trainings and resources for digital skills development including consultancy how to implement new technological solutions into the business activity. 

Restaurant business is one of these industries which indicates a steady growth and rarely experience crisis and market disruption. However, this business niche lags slightly behind other industries in terms of introducing digital services and solutions. Technology is not an objective in itself, but an actual necessity. 


By using more technological solutions at all levels, restaurants would be able to answer some of the new emerging customer needs deriving from the frenetic lifestyle we all experience including eating on-the-go, lack of enough time to prepare home food, using constantly for our daily activities digital communication etc 

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Restaurant Waste Management

New way of communication between venues and customers

Optimizing processes and reduce costs